Monday, October 11, 2010

Mount Rainier

We stopped at the Paradise Visitor Center again hoping to see Mount Rainier. Just like yesterday, we couldn't see the mountain! Try to imagine a fog so dense and dark that it would completely shroud a 14,000 foot mountain!
Taken Sunday at Paradise Visitor's Center

Taken Monday at Paradise Visitor's Center
So, Brother Sacker suggested going to the north side of the is a 60 mile drive to get to the north side...however it takes about two hours to get there...winding roads, waterfalls, mountain lakes, gorgeous get the picture. So, we are driving along when Brother Sacker says "look!". I was already looking! And, all I could say was oh my God! Literally, that was ALL I could say...over and over! I cannot put into words what is was like to see a snow covered 14,000 foot mountain looming in the distance, with clouds and fog swirling around it. As we drove higher and farther, we could see more and more of this majestic mountain. My words are seriously inadequate. Take a look for yourself...I love Washington state!

Mount Rainier
Yeah, It's Cold Up Here !!